Friday, June 25, 2010

Evening yoga practice

Summer solstice + the lovers' full moon of June = a lot of light and a lot of energy.
All of this light makes it an auspicious time to look outward and see all the beauty that surrounds us. It's a good time to open up to all of the loves in our life, enjoy them and ourselves.

Because of all of this
light, it can also be a challenging time to relax and to find the sanctuary of sleep. The effect of all of this radiance might be restless sleep, not being able to fall asleep at all, or not being able to wind down. Here is a lovely yoga sequence that helps to restore our natural rhythm of sleeping deeply/awaking refreshed. It can help you wind down at the end of the day, but it can also help you to find a steady rhythm if you do it in the morning.

Yoga practice to wind down...
Start with some sun salutations. It's all about how you do them. Surya namaskar can be stimulating/awakening, fluid and watery,
steady/slow. The way you do them is the way you will end up feeling afterward.

For sleep, Surya namaskars should be slow, strong, grounded. Focus especially on the forward bend and downward dog.

Do 5-10 sun salutations holding each posture of the sequence for three full breath

From standing, take your right foot back to pyramind pose. Hold 5 slow breaths.

Look up and turn to your left foot in for Padottanasana. Hold 5 slow breaths.
Turn back to the front of your mat, step both feet to the top of your mat, forward fold.
Move through a slow sun salutation.

Repeat on other side: Left foot back. Pyramid Pose; 5 breaths/Wide leg forward bend; 5 breaths/slow sun salutation

Move onto your back.
Reverse Tabletop OR reverse plank; 2 X 5 breaths

Shoulderstand (one of the best postures for sleep); hold 10-15 breaths

Plough pose; hold 5-10 breaths

Gentle twist on each side; 5 breaths

Bridge pose; 5-10 breaths

Happy baby pose (loosens low back and tight hips for sleep); as long as you like.

Bring a soothing thought to mind. If you fall asleep with a pleasant thought, it will colour your sleep.

Sweet dreams.