Come play:)
The sanskrit word Sangha means spiritual community, brotherhood or sisterhood. Welcome to one...
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Day 62. Glass
The window of the yoga room.
Inside this window was a warm and watery practice and a bunch of beautiful women, offering their energy out.
We offered to each other, to Japan, to my cousins on the day of their father's passing.
We offered, I bet, to a lot of people I don't even know about. I hope it gets there.
The Bhagavad Gita says that the work we do is ours, but the fruits of our labour belong to no one.
(I love this.)
So we offered up the fruits in this warm room with sparkly windows.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Day 61. Graffiti
Sol seems to have a few different meanings:
- The name of the sun god or just simply the sun
- It is an old French coin and also a Peruvian monetary unit
- Shit out of luck
And my favourite:
- 'Prayed for' and 'peace.'
I'm sure this last one is what this guy meant.
(Please note the arrow pointing at Natalie Portman's bum.)
Wednesday, March 09, 2011
Thirty more
30 more. Thank you, Bonnie B, for collaborating on this delicious list!
Self + 5 favourite things
Fire engine red
Close up
Black & White
Tuesday, March 08, 2011
Day 60. Time
Day 59. Wilderness
You might think you ought to go far to find the wilderness, as I thought.
But then, i stepped out into my very urban back lane, and got stared down by the wild eyes of this crow. They're geniuses, apparently, and they remember things forever.
This fall, there was one that got hit by a car in the back lane.
I left him bits of carrots and a bowl of water.
He cawed up a storm, but eventually ate my offerings. I like to think that he survived, not because of the carrots and water of course, but because of his wildness.
And now I'll bet, still wild of course, he is the same guy who stared me down this morning.
Perhaps politeness was an invention of the tame and that his deep wild eyes looked into mine with a nod that I didn't understand because I've forgotten my wildness.
Saturday, March 05, 2011
Day 58. Light/Dark
Day 57. Shiny
This tree lives (eternally!) down the street. It was a big
old tree that died and the person who lived in the house just behind it decided to honour it with big silver leaves that don't fall like the usual ones. The rotting parts of the tree were cut down to make room and space to adorn it with these silver petals.
The person got the idea from someone who did the same in England I think.
There is a little sign that explains all of this in the front yard, but it is covered in snow.
Thursday, March 03, 2011
Day 56. Treat
Day 55. Grey
Grey. In Winnipeg. End of February/beginning of March. (+ downtown.)
Not a problem.
Humble, quiet grey.
Tuesday, March 01, 2011
Day 54. Motion
I don't stop moving much to tell you the truth of it.
But sometimes I do-in the afternoon for a bit. During that time I pledge to do only settling things so that my energy has a chance to settle and sort itself out.
Sometimes I do that and sometimes I make a million vata footprints in the snow.
There's not much in between the two for me, except asana, but my dream is to find the equilibrium.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Day 53. Sign
Been waiting for an excuse to take a picture of this wabi-sabi garage.
I find it beautiful in its state of peeling-paint decay.
Beautiful in that any second 1904 when it was built might be revealed.
And then these signs jolt me back into the twenty first century (or late twentieth anyway.)
Day 52. Lines
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Day 51. Gigantic
These trees were practically here before the wind and the sun, I bet.
They live along the river, growing slowly and steadily, and the changes they've seen in their gigantic lifetimes must be gigantic too.
The trees seemed okay with my feet against them to demonstrate how big they are in contrast with a person.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Day 50. Little
Despite the gigantic-ness of the world around it, I notice this little, teeny-tiny nest often as I walk past it.
It's about 4 and half centimetres big.
My hand is there for reference. I don't touch nests. I fear it will ruin it for the bird, my stink on it, and that he'll be homeless.
I wondered, as usual, what kind of bird is so little as to live in this tiny nest? And does he/she live alone? Is this some sort of a bird bachelor pad? The quiet abode of a bird ascetic? A lone wolf (-bird?)
Day 49. Ritual
If there's something that makes my world go 'round a little more smoothly and nourishingly, it's having some ritual in it. I am care-ful with my days and try to infuse them with ritual rather than habit. For me, that's the difference between stagnation and livelihood.
Sometimes I forget about ritual, but then my spirit cries out, or worse yet, becomes very, very quiet. It's apparent very quickly when I've forgotten it.
Structure is cool too. The structure is for my brain and body, ritual is food for the spirit.
- Open eyes, step down some stairs, turn on the kettle, warm glass of water, grind some seeds.
- Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, savasana.
- Coat+boots. Leash. Excited dog. Adventure along river, trudge through snow, under sky, smelling things. Home, tired, sleep in pile.
- Walk down the back lane, walk up stairs-one breath per step, unlock yoga room, light a candle, humbly bow to the Buddha's equanimity, and jai to Ganesh.
- Replace clothing with more comfortable clothing. Brush teeth. Floss teeth. Brush dog's teeth (for real.) Open bed with a sweep of covers. Get in. Feel sheets warm around me. Turn off light. Goodnight moon. Sleep.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Day 48. Elegant
You know what I find elegant?
Pianos and also the playing of pianos.
The sound that lingers gracefully, long after the key is struck. The attire: bringing to my mind long, luxurious red dresses, a classy tuxedo, a top hat perhaps. (My friend Sarah plays the piano and she looks great in red. The hands: Long and narrow fingers, hands cupped as though they were elegantly holding warm water, upside down. The instrument: Rich materials; Shiny black or soft, carved wood. Silky smooth keys. Strings hidden mysteriously underneath the thing.
You know what's not so elegant? The organ. That's what I played:)
This backyard piano, despite the satellite dish, the greying stucko, and its location of a crummy back lane still manages to maintain its elegance, don't you think?
Day 47. Creepy
Creepiest building in the city, perhaps... at Vaughan and York: the old jail.
Even at high noon and the most sparkly part of the day, this building still makes me shiver a bit.
We explored it at nighttime, and thank goodness, from the outside only! on a ghost tour i got to go on awhile ago. The ghost tour lady suggested that any orbs or discolouration in the picture are especially creepy.
Other things I find creepy:
- Pieces of clothing left haphazardly on the ground without an owner
- Dim stairwells
- The sound of metal clanking
- Cryptic messages on buildings (or anywhere)
- Grey areas (literal and figurative)
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Day 46. Comfort
You know what our fabulous city did?
They built the longest naturally freezing skating path in the world!
As in Guinness Book of World Records long!
And then, the project gave $9000 to several teams to build a bunch of little warming huts which they then placed along the river path so skaters/walkers could find some sweet comfort from the cold.
To top it off, they called the warming huts 'love shacks.'
This set of love shacks is called the jellyfish.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Day 45. Old
Day 44. Self
Day 42. Blue
I have spent time being nourished and hydrated near the ocean's edge.
Despite the beauty there, my deep longing for the prairie sky never lessened.
Each day I enjoy the expansive feeling of our big, open sky and I feel the equal and opposite sturdy, you-can't-fall-very-far-in-the-prairies-ground underfoot.
There is nothing that looks more like home to me than a big, blue prairie sky.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Day 41. Machine
This machine could be found in the middle of an ode-to-konrad-birthday date yesterday.
It was in the Current Lounge at the Inn at the Forks (which is a delightful place to spend the eve of one's birthday... K's not mine.)
Before the machine came pedicures, cushy robes, jasmine green tea, the brightest & most crisp day, all within the stolen time hours of an afternoon off.
After this picture, martinis, and then sushi followed by a sweet, deep sleep that would end in more stolen time: a Saturday morning off!
The only thing that could have polished the morning off perfectly would have been to have this little machine at home, wafting espresso fragrance all over the place.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Day 40. Holy
Infrequently enough to amaze me each time, I leave work in the evening and turn the corner to the dazzling sight of the church behind my work all lit up from the inside.
A dark back lane + the sound of the monotonous traffic of Osborne Street + a sacred place full of light = beautiful. It seems contradictory, and I have a hard time wrapping my mind around it all at once, but I guess the mind doesn't need to get what's holy and sacred.
Day 39. Industrial
I had to look this word up to see what counted.
You know what 'industry' means?
I guess among other things:
1. Skill or cleverness
2. Earnest, steady effort; constant diligence in or application to work
3. Systematic work; habitual employment
I figured these guys were all of those.
Clever, clever guys, these ones... banding together in revolution (industrial?) around that big white thing.
Earnest and steady... No one is steadier.
Habitual? These guys never miss a day. Slow and steady.
I wonder what's in that big white thing?
Day 38. Angles
Bonnie read this as 'angels' and I like angels at least as much as 'angles', so I'm with her on this one.
Here is a picture of a one-winged angel that sits on my front porch.
She used to have two wings, both made out of repossessed metal, just like the rest of her.
One day, one of the wings fell off with a heavy clank.
On the same day, another angel in my house threw itself off my bedside table, losing one of its wings in the process.
On the same day, an angel my mom had broke a wing too. She glued it back together and at first denied that it had happened.
I'm sure that a triplet of broken angel wings is a sign of some kind. I took it as a gentle hello (because besides the metal one, wings fall so softly), but I'm sure if I was smarter I would have translated it better.
I like this one with one wing.
Like she has temporarily fallen to the earth.
Just like we have.
Day 37. Alone
The bus is like that for me.
I love taking the bus.
It kind of makes me feel like I live in the big city and also like I'm anonymous which I mostly don't want, but it's a nice change.
All these people being alone yet
surrounded by people.
I hope that they are not lonely.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Day 36. Animal
Day 35. Play
Just so you know, it takes a lot of restraint to not just post a picture of the orange dog on here
everyday. Not because I like her so much (I do though!), but because we walk together a lot.
Today I couldn't resist. This is a game we play: She acts like a goalie and we use a chunk of snow-ice for the puck. When she catches it, she throws herself down in a dramatic display of victory and rubs her whole body on the ice chunk.
It's weird and fun. And it seems a bit wired into her to play. She's a nice companion.
Day 34. Broken
I decided to take a picture of the first broken thing I saw.
The first broken thing I saw was a wing that had once belonged to a bird.
I photographed it lying lifelessly in the snow, but then felt like a weirdo and morbid like, so I deleted the photo.
The wing was polka-dotted, black and white, and I wondered where the rest of the bird was.
The beautiful peacock-coloured ornament was a gift from a generous and sweet soul for Christmas and I couldn't bear to put it away with the rest of the Christmas decorations (because of it's beauty) so I hung it in my dining room. When I got home the same day as the bird wing incident, it was broken too; the ball had fallen away from its hanger.
Cool that some things are fixable.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Day 33. Gift
The world got a new person! His name is Finn, he's nine days old, and he's incredibly sweet. In celebration of his brand new existence, I enjoyed an afternoon of making him this baby blanket with a gazillion owls on it.
Aren't these flannel owls the cutest guys in the world?
Day 32. Water
Or at least one of water's incarnations.
Walking the river path is a precious treat; temporary, fleeting, beautiful.
Water is so quick to take on one of her other forms... who knows when this shift will happen. Yesterday someone told me eight weeks, tops.
But just for now, in stolen time, these frozen waves take my breath away.
Monday, February 07, 2011
Day 31. Texture
In an ultra slow, reflective practice today, I settle into a spot at the Buddha's feet, which I didn't notice right away. I knew it was texture day so I checked out the surfaces around me: the texture of the mat against my feet and hands, the texture of the wood ground, the texture of the feeling in the room (soft), and then my gaze settled on the sweet feet of Buddha, which is a nice place for a gaze.
30 days more
Here is why I like to take a photo each day:
- Satisfaction of (seeming) insatiable seeking tendency that we animals have wired into us.
- It's a nice thing to do at your typically lullish and low-energy times of the day (ie: 3:30pm for me.)
- It lets you play with creativity in a small, sweet way.
- You get to document life in a simple and concentrated rich way that I love.
- It gives you an excuse and a nudge to explore new places.
- It creates a natural pause in your day that is good for the soul.
- Lots of other things too.
And so, for our little moments of creativity, documentation, natural pause, play, and exploration, 30 more!
Day 1. Texture
Day 2. Water
Day 3. Gift
Day 4. Broken
Day 5. Play
Day 6. Animal
Day 7. Alone
Day 8. Angles
Day 9. Industrial
Day 10. Holy
Day 11. Machine
Day 12. Blue
Day 13. Meal
Day 14. Self
Day 15. Old
Day 16. Comfort
Day 17. Creepy
Day 18. Elegant
Day 19. Ritual
Day 20. Little
Day 21. Gigantic
Day 22. Lines
Day 23. Sign
Day 24. Motion
Day 25. Grey
Day 26. Treat
Day 27. Shiny
Day 28. Light/Dark
Day 29. Wilderness
Day 30. Time
Day 3. Gift
Day 4. Broken
Day 5. Play
Day 6. Animal
Day 7. Alone
Day 8. Angles
Day 9. Industrial
Day 10. Holy
Day 11. Machine
Day 12. Blue
Day 13. Meal
Day 14. Self
Day 15. Old
Day 16. Comfort
Day 17. Creepy
Day 18. Elegant
Day 19. Ritual
Day 20. Little
Day 21. Gigantic
Day 22. Lines
Day 23. Sign
Day 24. Motion
Day 25. Grey
Day 26. Treat
Day 27. Shiny
Day 28. Light/Dark
Day 29. Wilderness
Day 30. Time
Thursday, February 03, 2011
Day 30. Self + ten things
Or more than 10, as it happens. I wasn’t paying attention
Also, I'm missing two of the days that stumped me a bit. I'll use the next couple of days to finish those. And to make a new list and start another 30 days or something.
- Thing 1. Going with the flow is cool, but it better not mess with my morning ritual.
- Thing 2. In honour of my old favourite colour, violet/lavender, I just bought a light purple dress. It’s really cute.
- Thing 3. My favourite realization is that imprisonment and commitment are the same thing, but from different perspectives. Since then, I’ve never felt stuck or imprisoned by anything.
- Thing 4. My ideal work has all of these: Challenge, community, creativity, freedom. There used to be another one, but I can’t remember it. I have all of these in my work now.
- Thing 5. I bite my nails. I know: Ew. I think it’s the grossest thing, but I’ve never not done it in my memory.
- Thing 6. I like to take pictures. Every day. I don’t crave to be a better picture-taker.
- Thing 7. I slightly envy people who have a group of friends that they’ve had since they were six.
- Thing 8. I am so thankful for the colourful, vibrant people in my life. They are the coolest and make me not mind not having a cohesive family of friends since I was six.
- Thing 9. I grew up in the suburbs, but I still feel like I came from the ‘hood. My mom does that too.
- Thing 10. I’m pretty sure that I have an addictive streak. For this reason and many others, I’m very happy I’ve never done heroine.
- Thing 11. I used to be convinced that my sister and I grew in the same womb at the same time and that my parents pretended we weren’t twins so that we could more easily cultivate our own personalities. My sister thought so too, but we also thought that we were probably abducted by aliens when there was an eighties craze about extra-terrestrials. I’m still not sure either way.
- Thing 12. This photo challenge has been a good project each day. It was a wonderful focusing for my mind and my heart. I think I’ll do it again.
- Thing 13. I really, really love an ice-cold dry gin (Bombay) martini, with olives or a twist, depending on the day.
- Thing 14. Looks like I’ve begun to collect frogs. (Against my better judgment.) (And not on purpose.) (Just that frogs apparently look really cute in statue form and doing yoga postures.) (And generous people have given me now three.)
- Thing 15. What are you supposed to do with your face in a self-portrait anyway? I didn’t know so took this photo, urgently, with my mittens off for a split second on the coldest day ever. It’s a reflection in one of those super shiny buildings downtown. I love downtown.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Day 28. Purple
Purple was hard! Everything is black and white right now, which is kind of beautiful, but there was no purple to be found. I sought high and low for two full days.
Then last night I walked the cold, white river to the Forks.
And just when I had begun to give up on purple, I rounded the corner as the Red merged into the Assiniboine.
Purple was bathing all the ice and snow at the Forks, and everything had a violet hue.
The most concentrated of all the purples was right here: A purple light, bright as a potion, shining on this giant ice sculpture.
Day 27. Breakfast
It may seem boring, ritualistic, unsatisfying, but this is my breakfast every day, forever.
Ground flaxseeds, sometimes pumpkin seeds, cinnamon, cardomom, hemp or almond milk, sometimes hemp protein with some stevia... all mixed in to a delicious 'cereal' and then eaten in the slow rhythm of the early morning.
Wake, climb down stairs, boil water, grind seeds...
Ritual makes my world go 'round.
Day 26. Magic
Magical/mystical day in the neighbourhood. Crystals on everything. A total wonderland.
magic from afar
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Day 25. Yellow
When I saw that the topic today was 'yellow' I was so excited!
I instantly knew I wanted to take a picture of this big, old yellow home.
My friend Pam calls this colour buttercream makes it sound delicious.
It's the same colour I wanted to paint my house, but apparently it didn't fly around here and my second favourite choice won out (which was pale sage green, if you're wondering.)
I walk past this house as often as I can though, to soak in the buttercreaminess of it. And also to hang out in little, round Fisher Park right across the street from it.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Day 23. Golden
Rush hour morning traffic, heading into downtown on a grey mid-winter Winnipeg monday is about the worst place in the world to look for golden.
I walked through the grey and white along the river this morning, in hopes of a warm golden sunrise, but it hid out behind the clouds. So I went up to the forks and then thought to come up onto the road for the way back, to walk errands and see what goes on there at that time of the day.
Grumpy faces were what was going on. Many of them, in cars, scowling, long faces.
It wasn't til Osborne that people started to look a little happier, smiling a bit, almost.
And funny; it wasn't 'til I got home that I found any actual golden.
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